Hire LLM Engineers Remotely Within 48 Hours
Set your engineering team up for success. Hire LLM engineers from our pool of talented AI experts and craft your success story.

Gain Access to Top-Notch LLM Engineers On Demand
Our talented pool of LLM engineers is proficient in programming languages and frameworks commonly used in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Our LLM engineers leverage the power of LLMs to fine-tune pre-trained models, adapt them to specific domains or tasks, and develop custom applications that fulfill your requirements.
Hire LLM Engineers in 3 Easy Steps
Discuss Requirements
We get a detailed understanding of your technical requirements and discuss optimal resourcing needs.

Schedule an Interview
Within 24 hours of the call, you'll be matched with an experienced, pre-vetted remote LLM developer.
Review and Onboard
With a risk-free 2-week trial, you can start building your project after you've reviewed and selected the best-suited candidate.

Why Do You Need LLM Developers?

Boost CX by 5X
LLM developers create AI chatbots and virtual assistants, ensuring swift and accurate responses to customer queries, thus enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Automate Recurring Tasks
LLM developers design custom applications to automate tasks like report generation and language translation, freeing up employees for strategic endeavors and boosting overall efficiency.

Code 2X Faster
LLM developers craft AI coding assistants that offer real-time suggestions and error detection, speeding up software development and allowing developers to focus on complex tasks.

Innovative Product Development
LLM technology aids in generating and testing new product ideas, enabling businesses to stay competitive and responsive to evolving customer needs.

Informed Decision-Making
Leveraging LLM capabilities for data analysis, businesses gain insights into trends and patterns, facilitating informed decisions on product features and marketing strategies.
Services Our Machine Learning Engineers Offer
LLM Model Development
Hire the most qualified LLM Developers who can handle all data-related tasks to construct, train, and implement Large language models to reach your desired outcomes. Our LLM engineers can also assist you in incorporating fully functional models into enterprise software, enhancing its performance.

AI Consultation
Our team of AI consultants can assist with the adoption, development, and integration of models to automate and optimize operations that can improve your products and services.

LLM Algorithm Development
Hire LLM Engineers who possess exceptional knowledge in conducting thorough experimentation to determine the best AI algorithms, adjust parameters to meet your business needs, and create new algorithms.

AI Support and Maintenance
Our readily available AI developers provide support and maintenance services to keep your AI environment functioning at its best.

Deep Learning
Our Deep learning engineers can develop models that are trained to identify various types of data, images, and videos, process spoken languages, and solve complex problems to work more efficiently and accurately.

Statistical Analytics
Hire our AI experts for statistical data analysis or computational data analysis to make inferences and predictions. Our highly qualified AI experts excel in data science, statistics, data analytics, data mining, and other data-related skills.

Our NLP Engineers excel at Collecting and preprocessing large-scale text datasets for training LLM models and Fine-tuning pre-trained LLM models to improve their performance on specific tasks. With a focus on customization and innovation, our developers create solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Prompt Engineering
From designing and implementing custom prompts, optimizing prompts for accuracy, developing methods to fine-tune prompts, and creating tools to automate the process of prompt engineering our LLM engineers show an expert understanding of prompt engineering.

Our Engagement Models

Extend Your Team
Incorporate LLM expertise seamlessly with our team extension model. If you're looking to expand your workforce with specialized skills for your projects, our approach is tailor-made to meet your exact requirements.

Project-Focused Approach
Our project-based model, backed by a team of LLMI experts, centers around cultivating client collaboration and attaining specific project goals. When you hire LLM engineers from Folio3, you're investing in project success.
AI Developers' Tech Stack Expertise
Large language models (LLM)

Ai Development Tools

Integration & Deployment Tools

Cloud Computing Platforms

Logging & Monitoring Tools

Queues/Messaging & Cache

Machine/Deep Learning

Programming languages

Why Do Companies Choose Folio3 to Hire LLM Engineers?

15+ Years of Experience
We have developed purpose-built AI solutions that help maximize performance based on more than 15 years of experience. We have worked in various scenarios that help us identify your problem quickly and develop insightful solutions!

Certified LLM Engineers
With innovative tactics and tailored solutions created just for businesses, our AI professionals assist enterprises in resolving critical issues that limit performance.

1000+ Enterprise-Level Clients
Over the last 15 years, we've built an extensive client base of delighted customers!

20+ Pre-built Models Deployed
We have worked on multiple projects deploying more than 20 pre-built AI models on various projects globally